The Hustler Professional is still inconspicuous and even better quality. This two-piece Professional Hustler cue is perfect when you prefer a more professional two-piece hidden-joint cue. This cue has a 1" long Juma ferrule with a 12.5" taper and a 13mm Le Pro French tip. The shaft of Canadian hard rock maple is hand-selected for whiteness and straight grain. The shaft wood has been stored in our temperature-controlled environment and stress relief turned. This stabilizes the wood and makes it less likely to warp, so you’re getting a superior product.
The butt of the cue is made of bocote and spliced with maple for the 4-prong construction. This cue is hand-turned, sanded, professionally balanced and has a four-step, hand-rubbed finish placed on it. When you want a little more at an affordable price, this cue is for you. 58" overall length. Available in weights of 17-21 oz. Made in the USA by Mueller's.